Sunday, July 31, 2022

Metaforce- how it works and how to make thousands of dollars from it.


Welcome to millionaire minded, a blog dedicated to sharing great business opportunities and ideas.

Today we are going to be talking about the metaphor smart contract blockchain technology and how to make thousands of Dollars through a great platform.

             What is metaforce

Metaforce is a smart contract that requires you to network with people and build solid team structure. You can earn in dollars/DAI and all earnings are paid instantly to your crypto wallet. Metaforce is a global decentralized crypto earning platform that is coded on one of the top most blockchain technology in the world, the Binance smart chain. To help people's dreams come through they decentralized the blockchain in such a way that people and the network will earn from  unlimitedly from the platform. 

                Things you need to know.

It is a marketing business model. Registration fee is very very very cheap, just 6.5 dollar ($1.5 Worth of matic and $5 worth of DAI

                           How to earn

You receive 100% as referral commission. Bonuses are paid instantly to your crypto wallet (trust wallet) . You do not wait for my CEO to make payment to your wallet. Earnings are unlimited,you can earn thousands of Dollars depending and how far you can take your game. You'll be rewarded for every cycle you complete and the higher the level, the higher the reward.  There are general income I.E beginning from your downline activities. when you complete your level 1 cycle, 2 of the slots($10) will go to your upline, while the rest ($20) goes to you. When your downline a upgrade to level 2, that'll Increase the bonus from 5 to 10, then to 20,40,80 and so on(crazy right? Yes it is).And mind you, your referral bonus won't affect your level complete (cycle complete) bonus which will be in given as SFC token(1 SFC=$1), and like I said earlier, the higher your level, the higher your level reward (SFC).  So there are different levels of income up to $20,000 and other benefits included  the metaforce tokens, NFT( you'll be given an NFT as bonus when you activate level 5 and 6), crypto updates,etc. 

This is the breakdown of the cycle bonus

      Metaforce referral program and benefits

 1. 100% of income through affiliate network    

 2. Even wider spillovers possibilities

 3. Matrix pay out a possible better than the fifth line. 

 4. Selling a product is another income opportunity. 

 5. Constant turnover,  the basis of long-term income

 6. Nft with ample opportunities

 7. Unique's cryptonomics with increased coin demand.

 8. The ability to earn in a coin has the most favorable rates. 

 9. NFT investment opportunity.

          How to register and join my team.

1. download trust wallet apps from play store or Apple store and open a trust wallet account.

2. Fund your trust wallet with atleast 6.5 polygon matic or 7 to be on the saver side. See the icon for polygon matic token below.

3. Add polygon matic and DAI to the tokens. See illustration Below.

4. Swap your matic to the required DAI(5.1) and leave the balance, then active. See illustration Below. Click on the first coin and change it to polygon matic, click on the one below and change it to DAI polygon. Click on swap and then follow the instructions to activate the swap.

5. Go back to wallet menu.

6. Click on dapps, then paste the below link in the search box to join the ultimate team we're going to build.

Copy the link above and paste it to the search box in dapps.

7. Change the top icon from etherum to polygon matic. See illustration Below.

8. Click on sign up

9. Approve to sign the contract and register.

10. Scroll down and click on preview under the classic tab.

11. Click on active and then click on proceed to activate level one, then click confirm and then approve the contract.


That's all for the registration. I'm pretty sure you won't wonna miss this great opportunity. Looking forward to building a great team together and earning massively together from metaforce because team work is really important. 

You can join the telegram group below for your questions, suggestions and group discussion, updates and other important informations. 

Click here to join telegram

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